
Youth Sports

Welcome to the City of Pell City’s Youth Athletic Programs!
Community based recreation plays a valuable role in modern society. Recreational programs aid children in the development of decision-making skills, cognitive & motor skills, cooperative behaviors and positive relationships. The athletic programs offered by Pell City Parks and Recreation allow participants to experiment with successes and failures while teaching them to persevere without using aggression. Finally, youth sports reinforce the importance of physical fitness by encouraging an active lifestyle. Come get involved by signing a child up to participate in one of our leagues or becoming a volunteer coach. Thank you for your interest in Pell City’s youth athletic programs, we will see you on the field!

View Program Fee’s, Sports Information, and Register on-line at pellcity.recdesk.com

Tennis Registration: Yearly

Register on-line at pellcity.recdesk.com

Tennis Pro: Sarah Stewart – (205)338-3818, ext. 2

Athletic Staff:


Athletic Director – Joey Morrow – jmorrow@cityofpellcity.net

Baseball Coordinator – Taylor Gurley – tgurley@cityofpellcity.net

Soccer Coordinator – Wesley Myers – wmyers@cityofpellcity.net

Basketball Coordinator – Juke Roberson – troberson@cityofpellcity.net

Softball Coordinator – Josh Hibbs – jhibbs@cityofpellcity.net

Volleyball, Cheer & Football Coordinator – Elliot Jacobik – ejacobik@cityofpellcity.net

Tennis Pro – Sarah Stewart – sstewart@cityofpellcity.net

Volunteer On-Line Screening Application